Monday, June 29, 2009

OSD 700 Project - Bug 245698

Steps to reproduce Bug 245698:

Step 1: Open Eclipse WTP, click "File" on menu bar, select "New", and click on "Dynamic Web Project" from the drilled down menu.
If "Dynamic Web Project" is not available from the drilled down menu, click on "Others..." on the drilled down menu to get a detailed list of all the projects and then select "Dynamic Web Project".

Step 2:
Configure the settings for the dynamic web project. (Project Name, Target Runtime...)
Then, click on "Finish".

Step 3:
Once the project is created, right click on the name of the project under "Project Explorer", and move the mouse over "New" on the context menu. Click on "XML" on the drilled down menu for "New"

Step 4:
a) When the XML wizard is started, a window title "New XML File" will be open. Accept the default file name for the new XML file, click on "Next".

b) In the Next Step of XML wizard, select "create XML file from an XML schema file", click on "Next".

c) Then, you will need to choose an XML scheme from which you will create you XML file. When you click on the radio button for "Select XML catalog entry", the window will be filled up with a list of XML schema files with a pair of key and URI. Select the XML schema file with the key value of "", then click on "Next".

d) Leave the root element as "taglib" in the next step, check "Create optional attributes" and "Create optional elements", then click on "Finish".





Step 5:
Now you will see a newly created XML with 26 errors. Bug is reproduced successfully!

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  1. Hi, Terry.

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